Read real testimonials from people who have worked with Gareth
Gareth has helped 100s of people from all around the world on their spiritual journey of awakening over the last number of years, he is highly skilled in working with Kundalini Awakenings and the many levels of Consciousness Awakening.

Read Real Testimonials

Florida, USA
If you’re a serious spiritual seeker, and you’re reading this here on the True Spiritual Awakening website, then you’ve hit the jackpot! Gareth is the real deal! He has a special gift to transmit a variety of amazing divine energy transmissions. The transmissions he provides absolutely do lead to true spiritual awakening!
Not only have I experienced awakening as a result of his transmissions, guidance and support, I’ve witnessed a number of people in his community grow and transform, into spiritual awakening and beyond! It’s a truly amazing evolution, and I’ve been privileged to bear witness as the awakening wave grows and expands out into our world.
Gareth brings together the most amazing humans! Within his community, he also adds the most well hidden, secret ingredients into the awakening process…..humor and laughter! Seriously, it’s an awakening accelerant!
Humor was so necessary for me at times during my personal journey that were challenging. Who knew spiritual “work” and the serious business of “awakening” could be so fun and hilarious!! But here in this community, it is…and laughing really isn’t optional with this group!! LoL!
Everyone’s journey and process is different. For me it took about a year of receiving both private and group transmissions/meditations with Gareth. My post-awakening process was quite challenging. So I also needed a lot of support just after awakening, and Gareth has truly walked along side me throughout every step of my journey!
This awakening experience is like no other, and so few people can relate. The people Gareth has brought together make the journey fun, and it gives us an amazing community to share and bond with that is so rare to find. We help each other and support each other in so many ways!
I am eternally grateful to have Gareth and his community in my life…and I am irreversibly transformed by the experience of True Spiritual Awakening he helped guide me through! There aren’t enough words to explain my gratitude for Gareth and what he is bringing into our world!

New York, USA
I began my journey very early in life via the Zen Buddhism path. I knew from an intellectual perspective that the world was made up of atoms, and that atoms were simply undifferentiated spreads of energy without substance. Through my daily Qigong and meditation practices, I had brief glimpses into this so-called undifferentiated reality.
I was then initiated into the Kundalini yoga path, where I was hoping that the bliss of the Shakti would permanently open the aperture into cosmic reality. I made some progress spiritually, but basic realization continued to elude me.
It wasn’t until I met Gareth in late 2021 that my Level of Consciousness (or LOC) gradually progressed past basic Self-realization (LOC 640) to Unity Consciousness (LOC 1000). Throughout the entire process, I was in awe at the realization that the external world was occurring within my consciousness. All of a sudden, my favorite scriptures like the Guru Gita, Shiva Sutras and Bhagavad Gita started making sense and becoming extremely clear. The authors of the texts weren’t being intentionally vague or writing in secret code - they were writing from direct experience as consciousness.
I highly recommend Gareth in your pursuit of awakening. He mixes light humor with the lightning of Shaktipat. This path is not for the faint of heart since you will awaken from the dream. But the result is freedom from conditioning - and that is priceless.

Cavan, Ireland
I have been feeling great since our session last week. My sleep pattern is allover the place and I wake up multiple times during the night and I am awake early as well. But last night I went to bed at 9pm I tried to mediate before bed but just couldn't so I went up to bed instead.
When I was lying in bed I suddenly felt full of energy and my whole body felt like it was tingling - like electrical static. My hands were red hot and both feet. Then I could feel the same sensation like the Kundailini before, I felt the force at my crown of my head and I felt the energy through my body.
There was a difference this time though. At both my feet it felt like there were big funnels of energy going into my feet, like the force at my crown was the same at both feet - very strong. It was unreal. Then my body would jerk and stop and then it would start again this went on for awhile.
Then it went into my brain , I will try describe it. It felt like the inside of my head had just vanished, like I had no mind no thoughts just space and I was floating and suspended in this space for age's . Just absolute being of nothing :-) is the best way to describe it I think. Then when I settled back into the body my head felt the same - like there was nothing inside almost like I didn't even know who I was , was i anything? and i did'nt care. It does feel like somebody took my mind out? If that makes sense.

Marbella, Spain
I have been on the spiritual path for nearly 20 years and have been committed to various meditation practices and teachings such as Reiki, Osho, Advaita, 12 Steps Recovery,, Channelings, etc and it all came together in a absolute completion when I found Shaktipat.
On this path, the Divine descends to meet you, resolve your stuff and integrate all aspects of yourself fully. I experienced continuous charging up with energy and releasing lots of past trauma and conditioning. The ever expanding love and confidence are really delicious and totally worth it. It seems like it's been all I ever wanted and needed in my life.
I came across the levels of consiousness in early 2020 and it all made sense. I continued attending Gar's online retreats and meditations. I felt stuck at some point and felt like I just wasn't fully in Unity Consiousness. I had private sessions with Gar and in just two sessions the energy in my brain expanded beyond the limited "me" identity and I have been living in Unity Consiousness (LOC 1000) ever since. It's incredible, I wish this from the bottom of my heart to any person on this planet.
If you've come this far on your journey and you're reading my post, then this is probably for you. Give yourself a chance to resolve all stuck energies and come to a full self realization. The fulfilment and satisfaction as well as the overwhelming love are incredible. So happy to have met Gar, he's very committed to taking people to Unity Consiousness. He's really supportive, has beautiful integrity and deep understanding of the enlightenment process. All my love to you, enjoy your infinite bliss

Stuttgart, Germany
I love attending Gareth's transmissions, they are quite strong and transformative for me.
My favourite is the SAT transmission, it puts me into deep meditative states, where any sense of seperation is dissolved and the true Self gets revealed to deeper degrees.
His Shaktipat transmissions are blissful and energetic, and contributed to my blissful and smooth kundalini awakening.
The transmissions have affected my everyday consciousness too, making it more non-dual and blissful.
I consider these transmissions a very powerful practice for enlightenment. In the beginning they might not be very strong for everyone, but in my experience that changes over time, as your system upgrades and becomes more receptive to these forces.
Gareth is a great guy, very skilled at giving transmissions and from what I can tell at an advanced and quite rare stage of awakening.

London, UK
I have always been conditioned to doubt that which seems too good to be true, but direct experience of what Gareth has to offer has proved me otherwise. His unique set of transmissions can facilitate the evolution of your consciousness faster than you ever imagined possible. The magic I had been longing for my whole life is making itself known, resulting in profound transformation. No words for the gratitude I have for him🙏

Amritsar, India
I have known gareth sir for 2 years . After meeting him my spiritual practice deepened a lot. Both his regular zoom meditations and intensives are very powerful and intense. The sat force comes in very strongly and believe it or not, it also flows through while chatting in the telegram group. Gareth sir speaks from experience and not book knowledge .He has walked the spiritual path to completion and knows the road map. The group he leads has very advanced and loving members. I would highly recommend his light transmissions for a rapid shift in consciousness. In person intensives are the best for those who live close by. Although such his transmission that people from all over the world go to his live events . I highly recommend him and his guidance to one and all

Boston, USA
I never knew when i signed up for my first one on one session with Gareth that it would change my life forever. I had spent my whole life seeking healers, spiritual teachers, and experiences of an esoteric nature in an attempt to attain a state of enlightenment. I always gleaned some wisdom from these people of the past but there was an ending or even a disillusionment which brought these previous phases to a close. Not so here at True Spiritual Awakening.
Gareth, as i see him, is a down to earth, funny. kind and loving man in a sweatshirt standing on the doorway of the cosmos holding that door open for those of us who care to join him. There is no end anymore for me now. Only an infinite beginning. I’ve stood with him there in this doorway for a little over a year peeling back layers of illusion with his guidance and his powerful connection to the light, which he shares unconditionally. He has never been on a pedestal.
All of us in his group feel respected and heard. He truly cares about us and the love in his heart is warm and welcoming to all. I never thought i could be in a group. I never have done so before. But the force of divinity that Gareth brings down has created a most remarkable energy which allows all to feel accepted and worthy.
I’m so grateful for the guidance i received that day when i signed up to meet Gareth for the first time. If reading this inspires even one person to try a transmission session from him I have done a great service in writing this. Namaste.

Kouvola, Finland
Joining Gareth's group meditations along with 1-2-1 sessions is in my experience the fastest way to make spiritual progress. Highly recommended for any serious seeker. Book knowledge is good for understanding the concepts but here you'll get the lived, visceral experience of those states. That said, Gareth does also have a deep intellectual understanding of spirituality and can help you in that way too.
Personally for me, finding out about Gareth and everything that he's offering has been the single most important thing on my journey. Progress which I thought would've taken years, decades or more to accomplish has now taken place within a significantly shorter time. Of course there's no end to the spiritual process and having the privilege of weekly meditations with a great group of people is something not to be missed.
If you're reading this, it's probably a sign that you should give this a try!

Vienna, Austria
Working with Gareth is such a great opportunity and I can really recommend it. If you are looking for an independent, supportive mentor you can really trust, then you found him. He is such a nice, funny and down to earth guy. He is a great companion and guide for everybody's unique spiritual journey. When I joined the weekly group meditations, I didn’t even know, that I was on some journey. I just wanted to meditate with a group for getting more in contact with my inner world. Before the meditations, there is always time for a 30 minute chat, where I could learn a lot about spirituality and got more interested. The people in the meditation group are all so nice and fun and some have really become friends.
I love the one on one sessions with Gareth because there, we can look deeper into my personal questions and needs. He has really helped me to transform myself to really see, that I am more than I knew before. My whole inside world has changed along this journey. He helped me to get self realized and get into unity consciousness (LOC 1000). I really appreciate that he is teaching us to trust ourselves and listen to our inner voice. For me, this is one of the most important things on this journey. I can’t thank you enough Gareth, for all you have done for me!

Mumbai, India
Hi Gareth
A surprising shift has occurred for me.😊You will say what is surprising your loc was 981 before session so that is not surprising. But the way it happened was very surprising for me.
It happened in the night after our 1 to 1 session. I was watching tv and suddenly I started feeling my body was expanding and with it started almost unbearable waves of joy over the whole body. And when I looked at all the ordinary objects in room I started feeling love for them. When I looked at any object I started to feeling that object as if from inside that object its structure, its curves, its material and with that came unbearable joy all over body. All of my body was moving and shaking. I was walking like a drunken man as if gravity does not exist, as if some barrier between body and surrounding space was broken. It continued for 2-3 hours and afterwards when I tried to sleep, I could not sleep the whole night. Next morning I was physically tired because of lack of sleep and intensity of experience reduced considerably but it was still there.
And today in the morning when I woke up with a good sleep that experience is back again with good intensity though not as intense as first experience. The intensity keeps on changing the whole day but that experience is always there. I remember that during the session with you something in the back of my head opened, my neck was moving backwards with force for may be 5 minutes.
Intensity of first experience was very surprising for me because I thought for such explosive experience you need to have at least average body and average physical energy and it is not possible with such very weak body of mine. I thought small shift will occur after few days.
Also I am finding some small change in solar plexus and sacral chakra. Maybe that also contributed to having this experience. Probably you have extremely good healing capacity also.
I am so grateful to you for all this. All this was totally because of grace. With meditation and understanding you can have many glimpses but not such experiences. Last 3 months have been like dream for me.
Also small clarification. I don't have high level of intellectual understanding. I haven't studied Kashmir Shaivism or any other thing deeply. I just know enough to get answers for myself of basic fundamental questions. I saying yes when you said that I seem to have good understanding is a joke.😊 And that happened because of english speaking problem. Many times I don’t find correct words immediately so I just say yes.😊 And I have seen that you have extremely high intellectual understanding. You keep fooling people by saying I don't know much. Though it is true, you are not too much interested in intellectual understanding and if you take interest you will have even higher intellectual understanding like Tom Campbell.
Thanks for everything. Sorry for long letter but I think that is alright for this occasion.😊
Ajit Soman

Munich, Germany
I wrote a while ago about the amazing blissful meditations within Gareth‘s regular group and also his one-to-one transmissions. Today I’m going to write about my way to a so called spiritual LOC 1000, a vibration level of enlighment. At first: Thank you to a wonderful authentic meditation teacher to accompany my blissful way! I’ll post my story to motivate more people to go this way as it is possible for everyone. And it’s actually fun, okay some work of course too, but even more fun if you can find a great companion like Gareth.
Since I‘ve started with meditation only 3 years ago, I was filled with lots of fear and problems at this time. I adapted a lot of those limiting identifications being a normal member of our society and narratives. After I went to a monastery 3 years ago and joined a lot of spiritual classes since then, I liked the classes with Gareth the most. He was able to support my way to step out oft he ego identification with his funny and authentic personality. While meditating on a regular basis I could see my fear based mindset having used sentences like „I have to“ „I must to“ „I need to because…“ fading away. On a deeper level I started to understand that those limitations were coming from a human ego identification and were combined with other lower frequency emotions like constant doubts or beliefs „I am not good enough“ or comparison. In meditation it always felt so good to step out of it into a love-based open range of possibilities with no limits.
At the place of the true self there is only pure awareness, love, bliss, compassion and understanding. Although life can still be challenging on the human side, you start to realize that there actually is no problem for your true self. Looking from this point of view there will always be a gap between your ego emotions and yourself. This enables you to identy that those limitations are coming from your limited human self. Realising this you only need a short while to step out of it and get back to your normal bliss state of being.
Since I’ve reached that point, life is just flowing. There is nothing to be in trouble with as you only are. Everything is like it is, it’s all just situations and if you act for solutions from your true point of being you’re starting to trust that everything is going to work out. There are also no more reasons to complain. In summary it is a relaxed, smiling point of view with a natural serenity.
THANK YOU Gareth to accompany my way, I can just truly recommend your meditations and transmissions to everyone in this world. It seems that the universum has set you in the right place to help others to finding there true side. I hope a lot of people are going to try this out! If evryone is living in peace we are going to see the difference in the world.
Vienna, Austria
Gareth provides a great gift! Just take it.The meetings are an amazing and wonderful opportunity to sit and talk with a nice and cool guy, while being immersed in his very potent transmission. During the meditation you may experience visions, insights, deep states of silence and inner peace, as well as getting in touch with the vibratory current of the universe itself (the Shakti) and be filled with spiritual bliss over time. Additionaly Gareth is able to tune into different energetic frequencies, which creates an atmosphere that feels like a fresh breeze every time making each sitting a unique experience.
The zoom meetings WILL (if you are able to attend them for a longer period of time) transform your own meditative states and capacities and most importantly your life in general. Certainly the group which consists of a bunch of lighthearted, compassionate and curious individuals from all over the globe adds it´s own charm to the already sweet intoxicating flavour of the zoom session. So you can ask questions, share your experiences or just enjoy the silence. Everybody is welcome and one can just come as they are and where they are.So give it a shot – you will not regret it, i promise. And the good news is: it gets stronger and stronger everytime.

New Mexico, USA
It's been really nice to have friends on this never ending journey. Gar has been there to help navigate the rough spots, to rejoice when the revelations come, to laugh with me at the absurdity of my seriousness and witness the inexorable integration of Being. His transmissions have been a firm but gentle wind at my back, encouraging expansion from the inside and dissolution of my hard boundaries. The group meditations and weekend zoom intensives have thrown open doors that never close tightly again. Those cracks really do help the light get in. His one on ones are phenomenal and highly recommended. He really brings it all – and with fart jokes!
It's been my great joy and privilege to be part of this beautiful and diverse group of friends. There is nothing but love in this unusual Sangha. - Amy B.

Lisbon, Portugal
Working with Gareth so far has been nothing but life changing. I’ve been a seeker for the past 7 years, reading countless books about awakening/enlightenment, trying different practices such as mindfulness, self-inquiry, kriya yoga, etc. Even though I was putting so much effort into it the results were minimal. I was getting frustrated seeing that I was going nowhere. It wasn’t until I heard about Shaktipat and light transmissions that things were about to change.
This was when I met Gareth. Since day one things started to happen. I’ve watched blocks in my body being dissolved, my ego and mind started to be deconstructed and my consciousness opened up to new dimensions. I’m now getting aware of some of the things you would read in spiritual books. The progression I made this last year surpasses by miles the previous 7 years of seeking. I was also impressed with community of people gathered around True Spiritual Awakening, they have been critical in supporting me and helping me move in my spiritual path. I’m deeply grateful to Gareth and all the guidance and wisdom given along the way, it’s been truly a blessing in my life.

Budapest, Hungary
It's hard to express my gratitude to Gareth for the support and guidance he has given me in the last couple of months.
The transmissions and the pointers he gave me during group meditations and on 1-on-1 sessions were really game changers for me.
He has the gift of combining different kind of ever-evolving transmissions which can boost your spiritual progress in every aspect. He has a very down to earth approach and creates a very open, friendly and sincere atmosphere in the group. He is also a great inspiration when it comes to the intensity and quality of your sadhana. While he is accessible he always shows the way and happily shares all the practices that worked for him.
I also suggest you to try one of his in-person intensives if you can. The intensity of the transmissions are even higher and you can also experience the lovely support of the group and share your experiences with like-minded people.

Dublin, Ireland
Nothing would have prepared me for the last year of my life after connecting with Gareth and there is not one moment of the whole experience I would ever want to change.
I have found a new me. Someone who is at peace with knowing the truth of who I am and the world I live in.
I was not a spiritual seeker, yet somehow found myself connecting with Gareth. I listened to an interview he did and meditated for a short while at the end with him. I hadn't meditated since I was a child at a school retreat. The energy that ran through me during that short session was beyond anything I have ever experienced.
I got inquisitive and joined a zoom meditation and then began one to one sessions. After two or three sessions I had reached a state that is known as self realisation, I knew I was something other than my body and mind. I began to view the world in a very different way. Within a year I had reached the state that is know as unity consciousness, experienced consciousness expand beyond my body to travel and ego separation.
The energy that Gareth transmits is so powerful. I feel it physically working on my body each time I connect with him. Now I can connect to that same energy by myself, it follows me around and when I sit with it I am taken to a place of outer body exploration. My realisations have been so physical and powerful and he has introduced me to a love that is beyond human description.
Gareth has gathered together a community of the most amazing humans and I am so blessed to be a part of it.
Forever grateful